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Showing posts from March, 2021

Why Do You Need a Digital Document System for Your Business?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Documents are the backbone of any business. However, managing documents on a manual paper-based system takes a lot of time, can increase your budget, and is prone to errors. According to Finances Online, manual document management requires 92% of employees to review and collaborate via email. Also, businesses waste an average of $20,000 on document […] Read full article Why Do You Need a Digital Document System for Your Business? From SoftwareSuggest

7 Common ERP Security Issues and How To Fix Them

Reading Time: 5 minutes Did you know, in a survey of IT decision-makers, 53% said ERP was an investment priority? Well, the advantage of all-in-one solutions like ERP software is that they remove the need for multiple software applications. This, in turn, helps you improve data consistency and ensure all daily operations are streamlined.  However, with any fully […] Read full article 7 Common ERP Security Issues and How To Fix Them From SoftwareSuggest

12 Powerful Time Management Strategies to Be More Efficient at Work

Reading Time: 6 minutes Time Management is a crucial skill to have in any workspace today. Through criminally underrated, good time management skills allow you to finish tasks timely, adhere to deadlines and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Along with your core skills, effective time management strategies ensure that you put your skills to the best use in the […] Read full article 12 Powerful Time Management Strategies to Be More Efficient at Work From SoftwareSuggest

Ten Best Image Enlargers

Reading Time: 8 minutes All users that regularly deal with any visuals, be it every day or once in a while, think about how to enlarge an image. Not just that, there is also the fact that we often need to enlarge an image without losing quality. There are many platforms and reasons to enlarge an image and this […] Read full article Ten Best Image Enlargers From SoftwareSuggest

Workplace Incident Recording Software 101

Reading Time: 6 minutes Accidents and fatalities are an integral part of life. When it comes to workplaces, handling these incidents is often a challenge. This is where incident recording software comes in handy. This type of software is gaining traction and has become an important tool for companies across the globe. This is because rather than assuming that […] Read full article Workplace Incident Recording Software 101 From SoftwareSuggest

Buyer’s Guide to Choose The Right Gym Software for Fitness Club

Reading Time: 6 minutes The fitness sector continues to grow as more people are becoming aware of having a fit and healthy lifestyle. For gym owners, this means more opportunities to acquire new members. However, the coronavirus pandemic has changed a lot of things, and acquiring new clients and retaining the existing ones isn’t as easy as it was […] Read full article Buyer’s Guide to Choose The Right Gym Software for Fitness Club From SoftwareSuggest

Safe Ways to Back Up iPhone WhatsApp Chat History on PC

Reading Time: 4 minutes As we can notice, social media has been an essential part of our daily life. From business purposes to daily communications, platforms like WhatsApp play an important role. For those who would use WhatsApp frequently, the security of the data is a critical aspect. Thus, backing up WhatsApp chat history becomes necessary for those who […] Read full article Safe Ways to Back Up iPhone WhatsApp Chat History on PC From SoftwareSuggest

How Important is ERP Jewelry Software for the Jewelry Industry?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Diamonds are Forever. A statement that is both a promise, a belief, and a name of a James Bond movie as well. But, what makes the diamond truly worthy is when it is encrusted in jewelry. Be it artisanal or a timeless piece; the jewelry industry is always going to bloom. Looking for Jewelry Software? […] Read full article How Important is ERP Jewelry Software for the Jewelry Industry? From SoftwareSuggest

The Training Guide: Enhance the Skills of Customer Support and Service Team

Reading Time: 7 minutes Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always one coming. However, a dissatisfied customer once leaves the doors, may come back bringing a downfall for the company. A good customer review might have a zero to slight effect on your footfall, it is the bad reviews that hold the strength to bring down the revenue of […] Read full article The Training Guide: Enhance the Skills of Customer Support and Service Team From SoftwareSuggest

How to Build Effective Knowledge Management Solutions with Office 365

Reading Time: 5 minutes We live in a digitized knowledge economy! This makes knowledge one of the most important business assets for any modern organization. Creating a culture that focuses on knowledge management is vital! Ineffective knowledge sharing practices can have a negative impact on your revenues; hence it is the need of the hour to manage your intellectual […] Read full article How to Build Effective Knowledge Management Solutions with Office 365 From SoftwareSuggest

10 Ways an Online Performance Management Can Better Your Business

Reading Time: 5 minutes Have you ever heard of the term “Kaizen”? It is a Japanese term that is thrown around a lot nowadays. At its core, Kaizen means the process of continuous improvement. The very idea of “My only competition is with myself” or “Becoming a better version of myself” is put into practice every time with Kaizen. […] Read full article 10 Ways an Online Performance Management Can Better Your Business From SoftwareSuggest

Top Benefits of Using LMS in Schools for Education

Reading Time: 5 minutes The digital disruption has brought about a significant change in how education is delivered across educational institutes. It has given rise to the use of learning management systems (LMS) across schools to host virtual classrooms, assign homework, and facilitate class discussions.  Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the need for adopting technology platforms. With schools […] Read full article Top Benefits of Using LMS in Schools for Education From SoftwareSuggest

Pipeliner: Drive Exceptional Engagement With The Better CRM

Reading Time: 7 minutes Are your sales and marketing teams working in silos? If yes, your organization needs to invest in customer relationship management technology!  CRM serves as a unified repository for customer information that can be accessed by anyone in the organization – sales teams, marketing executives, tech support, or finance personnel. This empowers them to make better […] Read full article Pipeliner: Drive Exceptional Engagement With The Better CRM From SoftwareSuggest

Interview with Mr. Sudhir Dudhane, AVP of eHRMS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Even until a few years ago, managing HRMS operations digitally seemed like a distant dream for many organizations. However, today there are several HRMS solutions offering features like attendance & payroll management services to companies. eHRMS has taken these services a notch higher by offering a system of policy implementation and workflow integration, much to […] Read full article Interview with Mr. Sudhir Dudhane, AVP of eHRMS From SoftwareSuggest

5 Talent Acquisition Strategies for Hiring Better Talent

Reading Time: 4 minutes In today’s highly competitive world, it can get difficult to find the best suitable candidate for a job role. In fact, nearly 5% of employees struggle to perfectly justify their roles and responsibilities. Notwithstanding your large talent pool and the current economic situation, it is mandatory for businesses to hire the right resources and retain […] Read full article 5 Talent Acquisition Strategies for Hiring Better Talent From SoftwareSuggest

How is Every Company Managing their CRM Database?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Your CRM system is one of the biggest assets for your business. It enables you to store customer contact information and past interactions, which help you streamline your sales and marketing campaigns. Companies are investing heavily in CRM, as the global CRM market is projected to reach $80 billion by 2025. Looking for CRM Software? […] Read full article How is Every Company Managing their CRM Database? From SoftwareSuggest

How Restaurant Software Solutions Boost the Efficiency and Productivity Restaurant

Reading Time: 5 minutes The restaurant industry is going through a rapid change. As customers, we now have access to tons of options. You can easily order food of your choice from a plethora of online delivery platforms. So, what makes it more convenient and fun to go through the traditional process of dining in a restaurant? Looking for […] Read full article How Restaurant Software Solutions Boost the Efficiency and Productivity Restaurant From SoftwareSuggest

15 Best Online Exam and Assessment Proctoring Software to Look Up

Reading Time: 9 minutes The current ongoing health crisis has forced everyone to move their academics, talent assessments, and certifications online. Since we don’t know how long our studies, training, and examinations for everyone will keep happening online, corporate organizations, schools, colleges, and universities are taking the help of online proctoring software to make online exams easier to conduct. […] Read full article 15 Best Online Exam and Assessment Proctoring Software to Look Up From SoftwareSuggest

The Relevance of Online Community Platform Software for Organizations

Reading Time: 5 minutes   In today’s time, when customers want engaging experiences, organizations can’t overlook the importance of an online community. According to CMX Research, 85% of community builders and marketers consider having a branded online community a key in increasing brand trust. Having an online community can provide detailed insights into customers’ behavior and preferences, boost customer […] Read full article The Relevance of Online Community Platform Software for Organizations From SoftwareSuggest

How the Pharmacy Billing Software Helps Increase Sales?

Reading Time: 4 minutes   More and more pharmacy stores are opening up, and thus the competition is increasing too. The marketplace for independent pharmacies accounts for the US $81.5 billion. Managing a pharmacy is not an easy task. The drug inventory requires special management in order to serve customers in a safe and adequate manner.  The number of […] Read full article How the Pharmacy Billing Software Helps Increase Sales? From SoftwareSuggest

Ultimate Guide to Full Cycle Recruitment Process

Reading Time: 5 minutes As a recruiter, you would agree that the whole process of hiring and onboarding a candidate is a long and costly affair. The last thing you want is an inefficient hiring process.  Stuart Liroff, VP of talent acquisition at, says on Quora:  “My biggest problem is that nearly all candidates are actively pursuing multiple […] Read full article Ultimate Guide to Full Cycle Recruitment Process From SoftwareSuggest

Five Key Features and Benefits of Custom Software Development

Reading Time: 5 minutes In 2021, software applications are a necessary part of keeping an organization functional. As businesses assess their technology needs, they may not realize all the available options. Leaders assume that the best solution will be a commercial, off-the-shelf application. However, software created for a general audience will not address the specific needs of some companies. […] Read full article Five Key Features and Benefits of Custom Software Development From SoftwareSuggest

Why your Social Media Campaign is a lot like Chess

Reading Time: 4 minutes It sounds intimidating. Chess is one of those games only some people have a talent for. The rest of us scratch our heads. We wonder if it would help to play against a computer more often. We hope a loss doesn’t mean our IQ is lower than the ant colony invading the house, swarming through the cracks every summer. Read full article Why your Social Media Campaign is a lot like Chess From SoftwareSuggest

Top 7 Secrets of Network Marketing Success You Ought to Know

Reading Time: 6 minutes If you are constantly unsatisfied with the kind of work you are doing, and if you are on a desperate lookout for a better way to make a living, then we might have something that may interest you. We’re here to tell you that there is a better way to make it big in life, […] Read full article Top 7 Secrets of Network Marketing Success You Ought to Know From SoftwareSuggest

MEND: Integrated Telemedicine Platform For Modern Practices

Reading Time: 5 minutes Though the inception of telemedicine occurred in the 1940s, humans have understood its real significance only in the wake of the recent pandemic. Telehealth has genuinely been a blessing during the COVID-19 crisis and helped save the lives of countless patients all over the world. This has made 97% of healthcare leaders extend telehealth access […] Read full article MEND: Integrated Telemedicine Platform For Modern Practices From SoftwareSuggest

Why Account-Based Marketing Is A Must For B2B Companies

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you work for a B2B company, the chances are high that you are already familiar with account-based marketing! With a highly personalized approach and precise attention to detail, account-based marketing goes beyond mere lead generation. It is a holistic approach that allows you to align sales and marketing teams’ endeavors with leading to business […] Read full article Why Account-Based Marketing Is A Must For B2B Companies From SoftwareSuggest

Interview with Mr. Kkishann P Shah, Co-Founder of Hunt N Hire

Reading Time: 4 minutes Acquiring the right talent and developing them properly is increasingly becoming challenging for companies, given the stiff competition and the lack of digital tools. However, with your side’s right digital tools, hiring the right candidates and retaining them becomes much easier. Hunt N Hire is one such premium tool that helps in the digitization and […] Read full article Interview with Mr. Kkishann P Shah, Co-Founder of Hunt N Hire From SoftwareSuggest

Invest In Fleet Management Software To Gain A Competitive Edge

Reading Time: 5 minutes Is your business finding it difficult to manage its fleet of commercial vehicles? Do you face difficulties that lead to delays and ineffective task performance? Well, you are not alone. One of the most challenging functional tasks for businesses is fleet management. It requires a large amount of time, money, and coordinated logistics. This is […] Read full article Invest In Fleet Management Software To Gain A Competitive Edge From SoftwareSuggest

Importance of Electronic Signature Technology in the Business Process

Reading Time: 4 minutes Thanks to technology, the way we do business is no longer the same. Many organizations have adopted the hybrid work model, especially after the Coronavirus pandemic, to keep their workers safe.  This also led to businesses facing many challenges, such as signing documents without meeting in person. Electronic signature technology has become a fundamental component […] Read full article Importance of Electronic Signature Technology in the Business Process From SoftwareSuggest

Shindig Software Review: The Next-Gen Video Conferencing Software

Reading Time: 7 minutes Virtual events have taken off in the past year, moving way beyond webinars and remote team meetings to encompass online trade shows, conferences, fundraising galas, social gatherings, and more. As people have embraced online events, the technology has evolved rapidly — yet in most cases, the engagement still doesn’t come close to real-world mingling and […] Read full article Shindig Software Review: The Next-Gen Video Conferencing Software From SoftwareSuggest

A Detailed Guide to Call Center Setup for Businesses

Reading Time: 6 minutes The origin of call centers dates back to the 1960s when a UK-based press and mail company installed the world’s first PABX system. But it was not until the 90’s when customer support became streamlined. However, the new call center setup required a substantial upfront investment, which caused a barrier for most companies. Now with […] Read full article A Detailed Guide to Call Center Setup for Businesses From SoftwareSuggest

Top 20 WhatsApp Marketing Tools You Should Use in 2021

Reading Time: 13 minutes With more than 2 billion users worldwide, Whatsapp is the second most used platform after Facebook. It has also turned into one of the most used marketing channels. Every day there are more than 65 billion messages sent on WhatsApp. All these statistics and the increasing popularity of WhatsApp have triggered many marketers to use […] Read full article Top 20 WhatsApp Marketing Tools You Should Use in 2021 From SoftwareSuggest

Top 12 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software of all Time

Reading Time: 9 minutes ERP software is an integral component of any business organization considering the flexible usage of the resources and the number of investments incurred for the particular business procedure. Looking for ERP Software? Check out SoftwareSuggest’s list of the best ERP software solutions. The presence of enterprise resource planning software substantiates better resource utilization and better growth dynamics, […] Read full article Top 12 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software of all Time From SoftwareSuggest

Key Benefits of Collecting Customer Feedback

Reading Time: 5 minutes You’ve created an amazing product, offered best-in-class service, and done everything possible to satisfy your customers. But, how do you know if they’re satisfied? How do you ensure you’re giving them exactly what they need?  Collecting customer feedback helps you find out if your strategies are working or you need to make improvements. Let’s look […] Read full article Key Benefits of Collecting Customer Feedback From SoftwareSuggest

20 Best Virtual Phone Number Providers for Your Business

Reading Time: 6 minutes SPARKTG : No. 1 In Call Center Software Visit Website Free Demo Your sales and customer support teams need virtual phone numbers to communicate with your existing and future customers. Here are the 20 best providers of virtual phone numbers and call center software for business phone services. Looking for Cloud Telephony Software? Check out […] Read full article 20 Best Virtual Phone Number Providers for Your Business From SoftwareSuggest

Gantt Charts vs. Kanban: What to Use for Your Project Management?

Reading Time: 5 minutes FunctionFox: No. 1 In Project Management Software Visit Website Free Demo The project management sphere is booming. Wherever you look at, projects are everywhere: in manufacturing, retail, construction, software development, marketing, events planning, education, and many other sectors and spheres. That’s why it should not be a surprise why so many project management roles are […] Read full article Gantt Charts vs. Kanban: What to Use for Your Project Management? From SoftwareSuggest

Easy Steps to Create the Winning Document Management Strategy

Reading Time: 7 minutes We have all had our own share of creating and managing documents in our careers at some point in time. Ranging from a basic excel sheet of contact details to complex financial asset sheets for an entire company, documents surround us in one way or the other.  “Nothing beats the classics,” a phrase quite true […] Read full article Easy Steps to Create the Winning Document Management Strategy From SoftwareSuggest

Interview with Mr. Ankit Tanna, CEO of Truein

Reading Time: 2 minutes Managing employee attendance digitally indeed sounds like a good idea. However, recording attendance and screening of visitors requires robust and thoughtful technology, which only a few providers offer. Truein is a powerful tool that helps record attendance and provide entries to visitors based on accurate face recognition based on machine learning and AI. Truein, therefore, […] Read full article Interview with Mr. Ankit Tanna, CEO of Truein From SoftwareSuggest

9 Best Payroll Practices to Definitely Work in 2021

Reading Time: 5 minutes When a business is incorporated, more times than not, the one thing that gets forgotten is the payroll system.  Even when you have the best HR software, meeting deadlines and handling paperwork can leave the payroll tasks neglected more often if considering it as a chore. While it may seem like a straightforward task at […] Read full article 9 Best Payroll Practices to Definitely Work in 2021 From SoftwareSuggest

10 Best Math Software to Solve Math Problems Quickly!

Reading Time: 8 minutes With the ongoing popularity of STEM-focused learning in modern times, more and more students are taking increasingly challenging math courses.  While math is one such branch of study that sends many students into a cold sweat; however, knowing where to turn for help can very much mitigate the struggle and improve their understanding.  This is […] Read full article 10 Best Math Software to Solve Math Problems Quickly! From SoftwareSuggest

Steps to Improve and Drive Results by the Use of Email Newsletter

Reading Time: 5 minutes Email marketing has always been the most cost-effective way to generate leads. In fact, for every dollar spent in email marketing, you are likely to earn $44. However, that doesn’t mean everyone generates such great results. With an average person receiving 121 emails each day, it is essential to make yours stand out from the […] Read full article Steps to Improve and Drive Results by the Use of Email Newsletter From SoftwareSuggest

CEIPAL Review: The New Age ATS and Workforce Management Platform

Reading Time: 8 minutes Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have been helping companies find and hire better candidates. As technology has evolved in the last decade, so have applicant tracking systems. Not only are they becoming more robust, but they are also becoming more intelligent and support you in finding the right people.  The digital era has eliminated the need […] Read full article CEIPAL Review: The New Age ATS and Workforce Management Platform From SoftwareSuggest

Understanding How Content Management Systems Work: CMS Explained

Reading Time: 3 minutes We live in a time where content is a prominent digital tool for business. It’s a robust digital marketing asset for brands that want to boost their presence and consumer recognition. However, the challenge of content management isn’t something that most businesses are equipped to handle. Besides marketing, the content has also become a part […] Read full article Understanding How Content Management Systems Work: CMS Explained From SoftwareSuggest

4 Ways How E-Pharmacy Software Can Help Manage your Sales and Service

Reading Time: 4 minutes Pharmacies have been fairly straightforward to patients these days. Here’s how it works: First a healthcare provider will give the patient a prescription. Then, the patient will bring that prescription to a pharmacy. The pharmacy will quickly fill the prescription, and that’s it. It’s as easy as that. While certain pharmacies may follow a slightly […] Read full article 4 Ways How E-Pharmacy Software Can Help Manage your Sales and Service From SoftwareSuggest

Top 8 Project Management Blogs Every Manager Must Follow

Reading Time: 6 minutes FunctionFox: No. 1 In Project Management Software Visit Website Free Demo Project Managers are the captain of the ship of any business and it’s their duty to see the ship to the shore. However, this is not an easy task. They have to face a storm of difficulties, challenges, and confusions before reaching the targets. […] Read full article Top 8 Project Management Blogs Every Manager Must Follow From SoftwareSuggest

Bridge Learning Gaps For Sales Team to Boost Conversions with

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Problem We have all heard this – The sales job has changed dramatically in the last 5 years – buyers come in contact with Sales much later in the buying cycle. What does this mean for the customer persona and the sales process? In our experience, buyers today are impatient, better informed and spoilt […] Read full article Bridge Learning Gaps For Sales Team to Boost Conversions with From SoftwareSuggest

6 Problems Faced By Sales Team In Using A CRM Software

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Did you know? Effective sales organizations are 81% more likely to be practicing consistent usage of customer relationship management (CRM) software or another system of record. There is no doubt that CRM is an excellent tool for sales teams. Organizations using a CRM get a competitive edge and can significantly enhance customer engagement and […] Read full article 6 Problems Faced By Sales Team In Using A CRM Software From SoftwareSuggest