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Showing posts from April, 2019

What is Robotic Process Automation & How Does It Work?

For some, robotic process automation (RPA) sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, conjuring up images of robots taking over the workplace while eliminating the need for human labor. However, tempting as it may be to entertain these futuristic notions, the reality is the digital workforce is not a total replacement for workers, but […] Read full article What is Robotic Process Automation & How Does It Work? From SoftwareSuggest

Top 10 eCommerce Development Companies in India

The global retail eCommerce business is booming. More and more people are closing those ‘tired’ brick-and-mortar retail stores in favor of the eCommerce platforms. While sales volumes are sagging in the local retail stores, the sales volumes in the eCommerce store are blowing through the roof. According to Statista, in 2018 about 1.8 billion people […] Read full article Top 10 eCommerce Development Companies in India From SoftwareSuggest

How to Write an Essay: Guide for a Techie

Without doubt, students on the technical side of learning are multitalented, and for some techies, essay writing is a niche which they wish to explore just as those who are not on the technical side freely do. Perhaps, the reason is not far from the fact that they have quite a lot to share on […] Read full article How to Write an Essay: Guide for a Techie From SoftwareSuggest

Everything You Need To Start Your Mobile Business

More and more people are heading out on their own and starting their businesses than ever before. The Wall Street Journal states that over 250,000 new startups were opened in 2018. The Millennial generation is among the largest segment of entrepreneurs who want something more than working day and night to make someone else’s dreams […] Read full article Everything You Need To Start Your Mobile Business From SoftwareSuggest

Online Advertising Strategies You Should Be Using This Year

Ad targeting has had a bad rep recently, partly thanks to the complaint hurled against Facebook’s ads platform by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD has accused the social media giant of housing discrimination by allowing real estate businesses an option to show ads to a specific segment of their audience. In […] Read full article Online Advertising Strategies You Should Be Using This Year From SoftwareSuggest

An Effective Method to Choose Employee Performance Software

Employees are the asset for every organization. When the employees work at their optimum productivity level, they enhance the productivity of the organization, which in turn, increases the revenues. However, employees are not equally productive each day. They need to be motivated from time to time to work at their optimum productivity level. For this, […] Read full article An Effective Method to Choose Employee Performance Software From SoftwareSuggest

Logiwa Review: A Holistic Warehousing And Inventory Management Solution

Supply chain management is a vital business function that has gained immense importance in recent times. Organizations are constantly on the lookout for innovative technologies that can help them gain an edge through efficient warehousing and inventory management practices. Logiwa is a great comprehensive cloud-based system that manages warehousing and order fulfillment for retail and […] Read full article Logiwa Review: A Holistic Warehousing And Inventory Management Solution From SoftwareSuggest

pCloud Review: Cloud Storage with Enhanced Security – Dropbox Alternative

Data Storage is a risky business. Let’s face it! There is the ever-present risk of hackers breaking into your system and stealing confidential information. No company, regardless of its size or stature, is safe. Data breaches are becoming increasingly common. What you need to secure your company’s data is a robust, super-secure digital asset management […] Read full article pCloud Review: Cloud Storage with Enhanced Security – Dropbox Alternative From SoftwareSuggest

Don’t Look Brainless at Work: Understand These 7 Crucial Business Buzzwords

One person cannot be expected to learn everything in school. Even if you were a first-rate student, there are bunches of things your instructors never told you – things you’ll need to know to succeed in the “real world”. Here’s a crash course to help you understand 7 of the most important business buzzwords, trends, […] Read full article Don’t Look Brainless at Work: Understand These 7 Crucial Business Buzzwords From SoftwareSuggest

7 Best Free Income Tax Software for IT Returns and TDS Returns

It’s the end of the financial year, and the burden of filing taxes and tax returns looms large. The umpteen number of papers to be filled, the continually changing government regulations makes one dread the year-end. However, there are numbers of income tax software available to aid you in the process with minimal or zero […] Read full article 7 Best Free Income Tax Software for IT Returns and TDS Returns From SoftwareSuggest

How Construction Estimating Software is a Boon for Construction Business?

Construction costs are ever rising and in fact, most of the projects spend more than the allocated budget. A study says that 90 percent of the global infrastructure projects either exceed budget or fails to meet the deadline. Managing construction costs is a complex task. There is a scope of errors and inefficiencies when it […] Read full article How Construction Estimating Software is a Boon for Construction Business? From SoftwareSuggest

Getting the Basics Right with your Online Business Presence

It’s easy to think that after putting a lot of hard work into building your website and creating your social media accounts, all will go well and the clients will soon start rolling in. If only it were that simple! Maintaining your online business presence is a continual task that is never complete, and it […] Read full article Getting the Basics Right with your Online Business Presence From SoftwareSuggest

Top 15 Business Intelligence Groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the smartest places for business professionals to network, meet, brainstorm and share meaningful ideas. If you are into business intelligence and require additional insights from reputed industry members, it is a great idea to join one or more of many Business Intelligence groups on this platform. It is an ideal platform […] Read full article Top 15 Business Intelligence Groups on LinkedIn From SoftwareSuggest

7 Best Email Writing Tools That Make Writing Emails Easier

Email is a crucial aspect of marketing and sales. They are also required for various other official works. Nevertheless, it is not an easy medium to hone. Fortunately, there is no need to do it alone. There is a plethora of email extensions and apps, which makes it convenient for you to work on your […] Read full article 7 Best Email Writing Tools That Make Writing Emails Easier From SoftwareSuggest

Best Mobile App Builder Companies in India to Checkout in 2019

The entire landscape of doing business has tremendously changed in the past few years. The shift from brick and mortar shops to stores that exist online, we have seen a huge jump in what defines a shop and how people purchase things. With the easy availability of things, people prefer ordering things online rather than […] Read full article Best Mobile App Builder Companies in India to Checkout in 2019 From SoftwareSuggest

10 Free Online Invoice Generators in 2019

‘Invoice’ is an integral component of sales. Once the selling terms are fixed, the first thing that comes to your mind is to generate the invoice. This becomes proof of the sale and the buyer cannot deny taking your products once the invoice is generated, except in some special cases. The invoice includes the details […] Read full article 10 Free Online Invoice Generators in 2019 From SoftwareSuggest

Essential Building Blocks For A Strong Small Business Foundation

More American workers are deciding to work harder at making their own business dreams come true than ever before. Startup entrepreneurial businesses make up over 250,000 of new ventures each year. In the past 5 years, small business license applications have gone up by 67%. Living your dream and working for yourself can be as […] Read full article Essential Building Blocks For A Strong Small Business Foundation From SoftwareSuggest

5 Reasons Construction Software is Changing The Construction Industry

It is no secret that the construction industry is currently under extreme pressure due to a number of factors such as project complexity, poor field productivity, and high rework rates. All these different parameters compose a very problematic image for the sector and highlight the need for better communication and, by extension, better collaboration across […] Read full article 5 Reasons Construction Software is Changing The Construction Industry From SoftwareSuggest

Verify Information with a Reverse Phone Lookup

In this age of technology, we have access to so much data and information that it has both positive and negative connotations. It’s true that we are more connected than ever before, and we can improve our lives with a few simple clicks of a button. However, it is also true that there are a […] Read full article Verify Information with a Reverse Phone Lookup From SoftwareSuggest

Performance Management Process: Ultimate Guide

Performance management is a process that starts in an organization right from the moment of hiring an employee. The employees have to be closely watched to see the alignment of their behavior and work with the organization’s goal.  Each organization has its own way of deciding the parameters that form the factors for employee appraisals. […] Read full article Performance Management Process: Ultimate Guide From SoftwareSuggest

6 Best GST Calculator Software To Look Forward

The Goods and Services Tax, popularly known as GST has affected all industrial sectors in a number of direct and indirect ways. This has led to most companies, whether small, mid-sized or multi-national corporations to adopt GST software to help them manage accounts, taxes, inventories, and ledgers. GST calculator software is a holistic diverse tool […] Read full article 6 Best GST Calculator Software To Look Forward From SoftwareSuggest

[Infographic] 8 Features A Call Centre Software Must Have

Too many phones ringing continuously. Agents sitting in front of desktops, receiving calls back to back. Numerous other calls queuing up. And agents seem to be talking breathlessly. Get Free Demo: Top Call Center Software A typical call centre scene, isn’t it? But what happens when agents are unable to handle so many calls at […] Read full article [Infographic] 8 Features A Call Centre Software Must Have From SoftwareSuggest

Top 8 Causes of Project Failure in 2019

If you have worked on projects long enough, you will undoubtedly have some of them fail. While there is no silver bullet to ensure projects don’t fail, there are, however some measures you can take to avoid it. Project failure can be reduced by using the Project Management Software. Causes of A Project Failure 1. Limited […] Read full article Top 8 Causes of Project Failure in 2019 From SoftwareSuggest

10 Best Hotel Channel Manager Software in 2019

Running a hotel business is indeed a tough job as it demands real-time connectivity with the team and the customers. Achieving this manually is next to impossible. However, the automatic help of hotel management system makes it happen in all respects. Starting from inventory to reservation, a robust hotel reservation software has the power to […] Read full article 10 Best Hotel Channel Manager Software in 2019 From SoftwareSuggest

Top Restaurant Cash Flow Hacks Every Restaurant Owner Should Know

Finance management is one of the basic entities of any successful business that aids it in avoiding financial mishappening. Undoubtedly, positive cash flow is what keeps the business running incessantly. Restaurant cash flow is required to pay to the vendors, buy equipment and raw materials, cover the payroll of the staff, to begin a new […] Read full article Top Restaurant Cash Flow Hacks Every Restaurant Owner Should Know From SoftwareSuggest

AltRecruit Review: A Smart and Intelligent Digital Recruiting Software

Talent management is the latest buzzword in the corporate arena, and it is surely every human resource manager’s ultimate wish to get a great applicant tracking system to capture the best talent in the market. Well, AltRecruit is one of PeopleStrong’s innovative components that handles a whole wide range of recruitment activities – right from […] Read full article AltRecruit Review: A Smart and Intelligent Digital Recruiting Software From SoftwareSuggest

Top Free & Open Source Inventory Management Software

Update 04/09/2019: This post has been updated with additional top free & Open Source inventory management software for businesses. Tracking inventory!! Business as an entity requires much attention as you can give to your newborn baby. Constant attention. And, one of the ways clever business managers can achieve this is through inventory tracking. Inventory in […] Read full article Top Free & Open Source Inventory Management Software From SoftwareSuggest

8 Best Student Information System Software to Look Forward

There were days when student records were registered and maintained on papers. There were a lot of issues with manual management of student information such as inaccuracies, false records, missing information, slow processing, and so on. But with the emergence of cloud-based ERP solutions, these problems have disappeared into the thin air. The advent of […] Read full article 8 Best Student Information System Software to Look Forward From SoftwareSuggest

Invoice vs Bill vs Receipt – What’s The Difference?

Invoice, bill, and receipt, all of them seem the same, don’t they? But there are some subtle differences between the three of them that set their individual purposes poles apart. Let’s see the exact meaning of an invoice, bill, and receipt. And also, we will take you through the reasons why you should use invoicing […] Read full article Invoice vs Bill vs Receipt – What’s The Difference? From SoftwareSuggest

Benefits of Integrating CRM Data with Analytics Platforms

New marketers are often overwhelmed with the tools and processes of online marketing. The irony of this is that developers within online sales have made the task as seamless as possible. The main complications come from the strategies used to improve or optimize your sales funnel. There’s no substitute to simplifying the online marketing process […] Read full article Benefits of Integrating CRM Data with Analytics Platforms From SoftwareSuggest

Top 5 Easy-to-Use POS for Retail Store

Automation is the key to success these days for any sort for business. That is why almost every single retail business bank upon the POS system for performing tasks such as document sharing, report generation, and quick data analysis. When implemented diligently, enterprise-level POS software can optimize the payment process, make your business capable enough […] Read full article Top 5 Easy-to-Use POS for Retail Store From SoftwareSuggest

7 Most Popular Hospital Bed Management Software

Healthcare industry has seen a whopping growth in the past few years. With more people getting admitted for various treatments, it has become imperative for hospitals to have a centralized hospital management system in place to take care of patient registrations, treatments, billings, medication, and rooms. Among all this, bed allocation for patients becomes quite […] Read full article 7 Most Popular Hospital Bed Management Software From SoftwareSuggest

Latest ERP Market Trends to Watch Out in 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is one of the most talked-about processes management tools today. Research and statistics suggest that ERP market trends are booming and will continue to do so in the near future. But, why? What is it about ERP that’s making almost all business owners pay close attention? Why is ERP so […] Read full article Latest ERP Market Trends to Watch Out in 2019 From SoftwareSuggest

Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed

Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll Process: Manual Vs Automated Payroll Processing, Winner Revealed : Payroll processing, quite simply, is the payment of wages made to an employee by an employer. For most organizations, payroll is its biggest expense. It is, therefore, by far, the most important human resource management function. Table of Contents: What Is Payroll Processing? Manual Payroll Process Automated Payroll Process Differences Between Manual And Automated Payroll […] Read full articl

Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future

Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Network Marketing Guide: The Myths & Truths, The Past & The Future : Of all work-at-home schemes, network marketing is the one that is highly misunderstood and demonized. Some people think it is an unimportant business for mommies. There those that think it is something strange that people do mak

Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years

Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Market Scope of LMS in the Coming 5 Years : Learning management systems started gaining popularity from the moment they showed up two decades ago. The rapid development of tools such as computers and mobile devices has supported its growth, especiall

Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software

Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software : American author Kevin Stirtz says, “Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them.” For a loyal customer base, you must maintain good customer relations. You can do this by accepting feedback from customers, helping them out with their […] Read full article Top 7 Open Source & Free Contact Management Software Fro

Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software

Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Software : Top Open Source & Free Field Service Management Sof

Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management

Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Management : Smart Classes Review: Streamlining Coaching Class Manag

Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs

Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs : Top 10 Maintenance Management Software for SMEs :